12/12/09 is my brother's big day..slmt bergelar suami kepada si isteri..i just can't believed it!!my brother was getting married at early aged..20years only..but if he felt happy, we as his family would be happy for him 2...>.<
on the day,after Zohor prayer we've got kenduri doa selamt..and after Asar prayer we move to bride house for the akad nikah ceremony...i can feel my brother feeling so nervous..but with only one lafaz..slmt segalanya..=)
the next day, we had the majlis in our house..my aunt arrive at my house at the early morning to cook for the people who we invite..feel relief with my b help..hehe..since the majlis start my b didn't stop lend us his hand..tq b >.<
b4 the day come..x hujan for a few days..but maybe dinamakan rezeki..on the day hujan selebat2 hujan..tp alhamdullilah, even hujan lebat..tetamu x putus2 dtg..thank GOD..=)
majlis going smoothly until 5pm..than the time comes to bullying the pengantin..hehe..pengantin bsh periuk wooooo....
ramai yg tlg bsh periuk..me 2..lipat lengan bju n bsh periuk..b4 maghrib everything settle.. =)
i just wanna say thanx to those people who work very hard to make this event going under controlled..hehe..syg kamu semua..for those who come..thanks..
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