Waaaaa!!!!!lame x menjengah ke blog sy ni..hehe..so busy with a lot of things..PSM,test,assignment..FUH!!!!
akhirnye tamat sudah segala test, kelas..as student kt UTM..sedih pun ade..ape la jdk lepas ni ye??? >.<
4 thn 2 1 tempoh yg lame (ms mula2 dpt tawaran..tgk 4thn..lame betol)..tp bila dh melalui nye..4 thn 2..sekejap jek...mcm2 kenangn yg sy and all my frens create together..ade syg seronok,sedih,funny...mcm2 lg la...perasaan jdk sedih n sayu plak bile nk berpisah..
skng ni menanti ms untuk seminar for project..than final paper start on 6thapril-18-april2010...
kepada kwn2 kesygn sy(sume sy syg tau!!!=))..good luck for ur FYP's presentation..for ur final exam..semoga our friendship will never last..kalau ade salah n silap..tersedar @ x sy mohon maaf..
kenagn kite bersama will always have a special place inside my heart!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
selamat sudah...
slmt pagi sume...hehe..mlm td tepat jam 930pm sy,b sy n jamal selmt smpai ke UTM semula pas peg interview PEP kt KL..walaupun penat tp rase puas hati dh perform ms interview 2..insyaallah..kalau ade rezeki..=)
hr ahad 2 kami bertolak drpd jb around 5pm..hujan mengiringi journey kami..and arrived at shah alam about 930 pm...smpai kt umah b ayah b dh bli piza,smbil mkn tgk raja lawak..pas mkn mata ni dh berat giler..tp x lh nk tdo pikirkan yg esok pg nk kene travel alone untk ke tnb jln bangsar 2..phew~~
the day has come..seawal 7 pg sy dh siap nk kuar..tgk jamal tdo blik..waaa..bestnye..tp x pe la..demi TNB sy sanggup..hehe..mak punya la risau bile dgr sy nk naek komuter sorg2 sb sy x pnh wt sblm ni..tp sy gtau mak sy.."mak,yan dh besar,yan nk cube buat sume 2 sndri", terharu wooo dgr mak risau..hehe..alhamdulillah,semuanya berjln lancar termsk la interview 2 skali..n nk tau x????sy rase sy nk jln2 kt KL 2 sorg2 lg sb cm seronok plak travel naek komuter..hehe..
tp yg geramnye kn sy punya turn should be at 1230,tp dkt 4 jam delay..kol 4 br msk bilik interview 2..harapan nk g the mines pun terpaksa dicancel...hehe..b kate laen kali kite g ye syg..hahahaha..nerves punye pasal sy x mkn tgh hr..lapar woooo~~otw blik jb 2 ckp kt b nk KFC..drpd kt Kl sentral nk mkn KFC tp 2 la..tahap nerves 2 smpai ilang selera mkn..hehe ~~~
ramai yg mendoakn kami rasenye..alhamdulillah,segalanya berjalan lancar..time kaseh mak,abah,b,jamal,family b..syg korg sume~~~ya ALLAH,terima kasih dgn ape yg telah KAU berikan kepada kami...
hr ahad 2 kami bertolak drpd jb around 5pm..hujan mengiringi journey kami..and arrived at shah alam about 930 pm...smpai kt umah b ayah b dh bli piza,smbil mkn tgk raja lawak..pas mkn mata ni dh berat giler..tp x lh nk tdo pikirkan yg esok pg nk kene travel alone untk ke tnb jln bangsar 2..phew~~
the day has come..seawal 7 pg sy dh siap nk kuar..tgk jamal tdo blik..waaa..bestnye..tp x pe la..demi TNB sy sanggup..hehe..mak punya la risau bile dgr sy nk naek komuter sorg2 sb sy x pnh wt sblm ni..tp sy gtau mak sy.."mak,yan dh besar,yan nk cube buat sume 2 sndri", terharu wooo dgr mak risau..hehe..alhamdulillah,semuanya berjln lancar termsk la interview 2 skali..n nk tau x????sy rase sy nk jln2 kt KL 2 sorg2 lg sb cm seronok plak travel naek komuter..hehe..
tp yg geramnye kn sy punya turn should be at 1230,tp dkt 4 jam delay..kol 4 br msk bilik interview 2..harapan nk g the mines pun terpaksa dicancel...hehe..b kate laen kali kite g ye syg..hahahaha..nerves punye pasal sy x mkn tgh hr..lapar woooo~~otw blik jb 2 ckp kt b nk KFC..drpd kt Kl sentral nk mkn KFC tp 2 la..tahap nerves 2 smpai ilang selera mkn..hehe ~~~
ramai yg mendoakn kami rasenye..alhamdulillah,segalanya berjalan lancar..time kaseh mak,abah,b,jamal,family b..syg korg sume~~~ya ALLAH,terima kasih dgn ape yg telah KAU berikan kepada kami...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
waaaa...rase br je lg sambut birthday 2009..now umur sy dh bertmbh lg..i'm already 23 years young..hehe..syukur ya Allah kerana mashi memberikan hamba NYA ini peluang untuk menghirup udara segar dan menjalani kehidupan..
bile dh bertmbh umur ni..semakin mengingatkan diri untuk berubah,memperbaiki diri dan kehidupan..dikelilingi insan2 yg kasih pd diri ini,hati semakin kuat menghadapi hidup wlpn mcm2 ujian kene lalui..senyum sentiasa..=)
1st time rase x sehat ms my birthday..tp x pe..2 sume ujian..on that day, ade power system control test..alhamdulillah dpt jwb test dgn baek wlpn hidung ni cm nk tercbt..hehe..after test trus kuar dgn cik b..kali ni b tny nk ape..I jwb I nk smthng yg I boleh tgk selalu..then b bg this cute lampu..b kate nant cyg tgk lampu ni cyg mesti senyum..hehe..thanx B..

balik jln dh x larat..nk tdo..tp kwn2 kesygnku belikan kek..hehe..thanx 2 ayu,wani,kecik,makwan ngn biehah..syg korg la..=) skrg ni debaran menanti result drpd TNB..hope dpt la peg interview 2..gudluck untuk sume kwn2..pd UBIE BASHAH n YANA thanx sb sudi tumpangkan kami d apartmen korg..=)
bile dh bertmbh umur ni..semakin mengingatkan diri untuk berubah,memperbaiki diri dan kehidupan..dikelilingi insan2 yg kasih pd diri ini,hati semakin kuat menghadapi hidup wlpn mcm2 ujian kene lalui..senyum sentiasa..=)
1st time rase x sehat ms my birthday..tp x pe..2 sume ujian..on that day, ade power system control test..alhamdulillah dpt jwb test dgn baek wlpn hidung ni cm nk tercbt..hehe..after test trus kuar dgn cik b..kali ni b tny nk ape..I jwb I nk smthng yg I boleh tgk selalu..then b bg this cute lampu..b kate nant cyg tgk lampu ni cyg mesti senyum..hehe..thanx B..

balik jln dh x larat..nk tdo..tp kwn2 kesygnku belikan kek..hehe..thanx 2 ayu,wani,kecik,makwan ngn biehah..syg korg la..=) skrg ni debaran menanti result drpd TNB..hope dpt la peg interview 2..gudluck untuk sume kwn2..pd UBIE BASHAH n YANA thanx sb sudi tumpangkan kami d apartmen korg..=)
Monday, December 28, 2009
~~ujian Mu menguatkan hatiku~`
ya ALLAH..kalau ujian yg Kau beri buat aku menjadi seorg hamba yg dekat pada-Mu, aku terima..kau kuatkanlah hatiku untuk menghadapi segala ujian-Mu itu..kalau itu takdir x sesiapa dpt melawan..moga 1 hr nant aku dpt memberi kebahagiaan kepada org2 yg aku sayang..ringankanlah beban kedua ibu bapa ku ya-Allah..aku rela jika aku perlu menanggung beban itu asalkan mereka bahagia..
Saturday, December 26, 2009
~~my brother's wedding day~~
12/12/09 is my brother's big day..slmt bergelar suami kepada si isteri..i just can't believed it!!my brother was getting married at early aged..20years only..but if he felt happy, we as his family would be happy for him 2...>.<
on the day,after Zohor prayer we've got kenduri doa selamt..and after Asar prayer we move to bride house for the akad nikah ceremony...i can feel my brother feeling so nervous..but with only one lafaz..slmt segalanya..=)
the next day, we had the majlis in our house..my aunt arrive at my house at the early morning to cook for the people who we invite..feel relief with my b help..hehe..since the majlis start my b didn't stop lend us his hand..tq b >.<
b4 the day come..x hujan for a few days..but maybe dinamakan rezeki..on the day hujan selebat2 hujan..tp alhamdullilah, even hujan lebat..tetamu x putus2 dtg..thank GOD..=)
majlis going smoothly until 5pm..than the time comes to bullying the pengantin..hehe..pengantin bsh periuk wooooo....
ramai yg tlg bsh periuk..me 2..lipat lengan bju n bsh periuk..b4 maghrib everything settle.. =)
i just wanna say thanx to those people who work very hard to make this event going under controlled..hehe..syg kamu semua..for those who come..thanks..
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